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Annemarie Wiegerinck Artist

Artist CV

I was born and grew up in the Netherlands; migrated to Australia in 1971. After 20 years in the Snowy Mountains of NSW I moved with my husband and fellow artist, Barry Willcox to lovely Wandiligong near Bright on the Victorian side of the Alps. I have been a practicing artist for 45 years, mostly self taught. My style has evolved from formal drawings, oils and watercolours to a very distinctive contemporary oil painting approach, uniquely my own. Subject matter is mostly the Australian bush and landscapes. To discover nature’s hidden patterns and portray its wild untamed beauty. This motivates my art.


My paintings are built on detailed charcoal drawings; these are painted over in a fluid oil paint wash, allowed to literally run down the canvas as colours mix spontaneously. I mostly use pure colours in my under-painting, often complementary, which lead to vibrant and colourful creations. In the third stage of my painting purposeful short brushstrokes are applied over the dried wash to add detail and accentuate life and movement.


My second passion in the arts is ceramics. Having completed three years at TAFE to certificate 3 some years ago, I have taken it up with renewed vigor in the last two years. Hand-building sculptural pieces incorporating nature and the earth mother.


I aspire to explore the extend of nature’s life-forms merging into each other, shaped and touched by its immediate surroundings; at times, incorporating birds, animals or human interactions as well as the spiritual side of our life. Thus, communicating to the viewer, the sense of belonging and joy I feel as I’m surrounded by nature. My paintings are a celebration of life, born out of a profound connection with the Australian land and my love for the bush and outback.


My roles in the arts have included Art Centre Coordinator, initiating various art projects in the community and teacher of drawing and oil painting. I am currently on the committee managing the Bright Art Gallery. I have held solo-exhibitions and am a regular participant in many group exhibitions. My paintings are included in Australian and international art collections.


Awards and achievements in recent years:

2019  Winner of the Mixed Medium Award at the Bright Art Gallery Autumn Art Exhibition       

2016  'It's All Relative' - Family exhibition at the Bright Art Gallery

2015  'Close to the Sky' - Guest Artist Exhibition at Bungendore Fine Art, NSW

           Best in Show - Lions Exhibition -  Raglan Gallery Cooma

2014   Solo exhibition 'Australian Muse' Bright Art Gallery

2013   Winner of the King Valley Acquisitive Oil Painting Award

           Winner of the Myrtleford Landscape Award

2012   Winner of the King Valley Acquisitive Oil Painting Award

2011   Winner of the John Briscoe Art Award, Raglan Gallery Cooma

2010   Winner of the Spirit of the Snowy – Lions/KNP exh. Jindabyne

           Best Drawing – Lions exhibition at Raglan Gallery in Cooma

           Best Oil Painting – John Briscoe Art Award – Raglan Gallery Cooma

2009   Best Oil Painting – Lions/SnowyHydro Annual Art Exh. Jindabyne

2008   Shared exhibition ‘Desert Sands’ at Kunama Galleries in Jindabyne

2007   Solo exhibition ‘Perceptions of another Place’ Raglan Gallery Cooma

          Best Oil Painting - Lions/SnowyHydro Annual Art Exhibition

          First Prize – John Briscoe Memorial Art Award – Raglan Gallery

          Best Oil Painting – John Briscoe Memorial Art Award

          Best in Show – Lions/SnowyHydro Annual Art Exhibition - Cooma

2005  Best local Artist – John Briscoe Memorial Art Award

          Best in Show – Jindabyne Easter Art Exhibition

2004  Best Oil Painting – John Briscoe Memorial Art Award

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